Friday, April 25, 2008

I'm fond of my fondant cupcake

So I've been talking about making a cake with fondant so I thought I'd start out small and work my way up in size. My friend's birthday is this sunday. I made her the little pouch with the unicorn doughnut. I figured I'd keep the theme and sneak in some practice and here you have it my first fondant cupcake. making the fondant was fun but more messy than anything else. I got the recipe from this website. I guess there are a couple of ways to do it. I guess fondant doesn't really taste that great so I used the marshmallow recipe. You basically melt marshmallows and add 2lb of powdered sugar and you use a lot of crisco to keep the marshmallow mixture from sticking to you and everything. I'm not sure if I got the right consistency cuz it wasn't as easy to sculpt things I kept having to put it in the freezer to harden it but the heat from my hands made it too soft to sculpt. I guess I am just use to sculpey. but all and all I think it turned out pretty good being my first time making it and using it. I hope she likes it. now for the big cakes....

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